Is your tire set ok for the winter season?

Are your tires still safe for the winter season? The wear limit of a winter tire is approximately 4/32th of an inch. If your tire at the beginning of the season is at 6/32th on an inch, chances are it will be your last winter with them! Start thinking about saving money next set or buy now with Paybright financing! ☝🏼
Are your tires badly worn out? Well, it's undoubtedly due to a misaligned car. This leads to early tire wear, increased noise and even a significant impact on your car's mechanics. Perhaps all 4 tires should not be replaced! Think about getting 2 new tires only. Thanks to our wide selection, we can definitely find the same model! 🔎
How does an underinflated tire impact threadwear? Obviously, an irregular wear will result, but an underinflated tires will increase hydroplaning risk and decrease fuel economy! Opt for nitrogen filling to optimize pressure at any temperature! ❄️ Feel free to ask our team of experts for any questions! 👋🏼